Pastor Jack's Thoughts September 1, 2009

Subject: Pastor Jack's Thoughts September 1, 2009
To: Jack Martin <

PASTOR JACK'S THOUGHTS    September 1, 2009

So often, we talk about God's free gift of salvation and we fail to talk much about our part in His salvation.  His is a wonderful free gift but we must realize that in order to receive His free gift we must do several things that are very important.  We must believe in Him, ask Him to forgive our sins and invite Him to abide in us.  Those are three essentials of salvation.  Often we aren't really aware of what it means to have Jesus Christ "abide" in us.  It means that we turn over control of our life to Him!  It means that our life changes to be what He wants it to be.  It means that our decisions are no longer 'our' decisions but we ask Him about the life decisions we make.  Many Christians never really think about that in their daily lives.  Sometime we forget that becoming a Christian means that we do an about-face or a turn-around in our life which means that we change to be what God wants.

Too many times people think that because they come from Christian parents, or go to church or even read their Bible, that makes them a Christian.  No so!  Becoming God's child requires a personal decision on our part to turn our lives over to Him. It means inviting Him to live in us.  It means 'change' from our old way of life to His way of life.  Think about this change this week.  How has your life changed after you became God's child?  I'll be speaking this Sunday about a man in the New Testament who experienced that dramatic change in his life and wound up giving back money that he had stolen from others!  What a change!!  See you Sunday.

In Him we live and move and have our being!
Pastor Jack

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