Pastor Jack's Thoughts March 23, 2010


Have you ever been surprised by God?
  If you have you will never forget it!!  The Bible is full of stories of God's surprises to His people.  In the Old Testament, we find so many stories of how God changed events and surprised His people.  Think of David and the giant!  Here was a young man who wasn't even of age to go to battle and yet God used him to fight and KILL a giant who was the enemy of God's people!  Even King Saul tried to make him use his armor for protection and David said, "No, I am going in the strength of God!" I Samuel 17:45    Then there was Gideon who said, "I'm a nobody!  I can't!!" Yet God told him, "Go in the strength that you have (and lead my people) and I will help you!!"  Surprise, surprise, Gideon became one of God's strong leaders who lead the people to repent of their evil ways and follow God for 40 years!!  Judges 6,7    Then another timewas when Israel's enemy was coming against them in battle, David cried out to God and God told him to take his troops and stand in front of the mulberry trees and "when you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees, go quickly and fight" because God had already defeated the enemy!!  God's huge surprise both to the enemies and to His people! 2 Samuel 5:22-25

Yet, the most glorious surprise that God had was after the crucifixion!  The Jewish leaders thought, "We will kill this man Jesus and then all our problems with him will be over!  Crucify Him! Crucify Him!"  And they did!  They hung him on a cross and His physical life was snuffed out!  His blood drained onto the ground and His body was laid in a tomb and they thought, "Well, that is the end of Him." We don't have to worry about this man anymore.......WRONG!  Then came God's delightful surprise!  On the third day, God brought Him back from death and the cry rang out among His beloved disciples, "He's alive, He's alive!"  God surprised the Jewish leaders and the disciples were surprised too!  Even today we are still surprised by God's power of the resurrection!  Events seemed to be one way, but then God reached out and turned things around and we are blessed today because He did!  We serve a risen Savior!!

Watch for God's ongoing surprises in your own life this week!  Make note of them and praise Him for His power and grace on events in your life.  Don't miss His delightful handiwork in your life! When bad events turn into good, know that He is still working today!  Places to look:  an 'almost' accident on the highway, and event that seemed bad but turned out good, hurtful words by a friend but God gave you peace, a time when you needed something and God provided!  The list is endless!  God gave the Martins a wonderful surprise yesterday when we had an unexpected visit with a dear friend from Thailand!  What an encouraging day!  God's surprises in daily life!  What a blessing!

Watch for God's wonderful surprises!!
Pastor Jack

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