LUKE 10:25-37


INTRODUCTION: A lawyer came to Jesus and he was intent on tricking Jesus into saying something wrong. He asked Jesus, "What must I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus replied. "What does Moses say?" He answered, "Love God with all your heart, soul, your strength, and with all your mind and your neighbor as yourself. The lawyer still wanted to test Jesus so he asked Jesus this question. "Who is my neighbor? Jesus told this story as an answer to his question. Who is your neighbor? This little story could change your life.


I. The Thieves Selfish Attitude was Beat Him Up.

    Get something from him. These are the people who say, "What do I get out of it?" This is the prevalent attitude of our day. All of us have that attitude in our lives at some time. People tell you that you need to look out for #1, because if you don't no one else will. We may not beat up people, but we can hurt them with our words and attitudes.

     O'Reilly the news man says, "Basically if your attitude is selfish and you use people all the time you will grow old without friends or joy in your life."


II. The Priest's and  Levite's  Indifferent Attitude was Pass Him up.

     Don't bother me with your problems. We come up with all kinds of excuses.

     They were religious men, so maybe they said, "I've been serving at the Temple.

      I've done my part." "I've been away from home and need to hurry."

     "It's not my fault." or "Let somebody else do it."


III. The Good Samaritan's Attitude was Pick Him Up.

       Isn't it amazing that Jesus a Samaritan chose as the hero of his story? The Jews hated the Samaritans, and yet it was a Samaritan who helped him.

      Jesus used the word, "cared." Jesus said concerning the Good Samaritan that, "He had compassion for him." We need the same attitude in order to be like Jesus.


CONCLUSION: Let us look at our own hearts and see what we are doing to be a neighbor. Look at ways we can help someone else. Be a friend to someone who has no friends. I challenge you to do that this week.



Jack L. Martin

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