For several weeks I have thought of the verse from Job "Though He slay me yet will I trust Him." Job 13:15 and then another 'though' emerged in my Bible
study over the past few weeks. The other 'though,' was in Philippians 2:6-7 "Though being in the form of God He thought it not robbery being equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a servant and coming in the form of a bondservant and coming in the likeness of man." I thought first of Job's statement. Job suffered every possible way that a man can suffer. His wife told him when all the calamities hit Job, to curse God and die. Then after this he was sorely afflicted over his whole body. His friends came to him with skewed theology and told him to confess his secret sins. He tried to maintain his integrity. Finally, Job made his great statement of faith in God when he said, "Though He slay me yet will I trust HIM."

This was such an encouragement to me. I told the Lord that
I want to let this be a scripture that will guide my life, because Glad and I went through so much frustration, and difficulty in our move here to Richmond. God did bless at every step, but it was so hard. We left what we had know as 'home' for the past 11 years. We left a church family at VBCG who loved us and gave us a wonderful opportunity to serve the Lord and others. But through it all God has given us a new opportunity for service here with family. We trust Him for the future!!

Then I read the other 'though' concerning Jesus in Philippians. Though He was God, He became man in order to suffer and die for me and you. Folks, He did it for us!! He gave us hope, salvation and a future!! There were many other 'thoughs' in the Life of Jesus. However,this 'though' was the most important because it concerned the cross. This also put Job's comment in  perspective too. Glad and
I sometimes felt like Job during this move. Through all of the things that have transpired over the last couple months,we sometimes failed to see the hand of God in it. So, we have been brought to that wonderful statement, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.'  It has greater meaning in our lives that it had even just months ago.   My prayer for each of you is that whatever you are going through now, you will look at your problems and say, though this is happening to me, yet will I trust Him. Then you will look to the Cross and see the Resurrection and praise the Lord that Satan cannot take away your trust in Christ and His redemption life from you.    

Trusting Him in All Things,
Jack and Glad

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