Focus on Jesus Coming May 10 2010


Begin this week by asking yourself "Where is my focus?"  Have you noticed lately that the focus of many people is shifting?  We seem to be living in a world where our focus is changing from being God centered to being centered on ourselves and other things.  Our days are consumed with "me and my." " What makes me happy?  How can I make enough to buy what I want?"  These are common attitudes with people in our world today. There seems to be a race to succeed and do well for self.  On the surface that doesn't seem so bad but when we think of God's desire for His children, it is all backwards.

Take a moment to think about what Jesus taught. He reminded us to love God with all our heart, mind and soul and to show our love for others by putting them first!!  That is different isn't it?!  He also told us to focus on God's will for our life and to watch and wait for His return as the last days of this world approach.  Jesus told the story of the virgins who were waiting for the 'bridegroom' to arrive. Some of them were focused and vigil.  They had prepared oil for their lamps and were waiting in the dark night for the bridegroom's arrival.  The other virgins were too busy to spend their precious time by keeping their lamps trimmed and filled with oil.  They didn't see the need to wait but went about their way doing other things.  Then suddenly the call went out, "The bridegroom is coming!! The foolish virgins ran around trying to hurriedly get oil and be prepared but alas, it was too late.  They had consumed their time with selfish things and they were not ready!!  The virgin who had keep their focus were ready and found great joy and rejoicing in the arrival of the bridegroom!

Jesus used that story to illustrate the need for us to stay focused on His will and His return.  He is the bridegroom and the we (the church) are His bride.  Have we taken His word lightly and become too consumed with ourselves, our things, our needs, our wants?  Or are we ready for Him by staying focused on His will, His way, His Word?  It is time for us towake up and look at where we are focused!  Blessings await those who work to take care of daily needs for themselves and their family but at the same time stay focused on God.

Should Jesus return to earth today, would you and I be ready?  Here are a few hints on how to stay 'God focused.'
  1. Before you get out of bed in the morning, submit your day to Him. Pray and ask Him to direct your day.
  2. Spend time in His Word.  We all have 24 hours, surely some part of 24 hours can be spend reading God's Word.
  3. Invite His Holy Spirit to direct your actions and attitudes....yes, and even the thoughts you have and the words you say.
We all have a difficult time staying focused on the Lord.  It is something that we must work at in our lives.  Find God's way and set your face toward it.  He will truly bless you if you do!!

Focus on Jesus the Author and Finisher of your faith!!  Hebrews 12:2
Pastor Jack

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